How should your application look like? Information of interest

10. May 2020
  • How often are you available? It is important for the sponsor to know if you are available at all possible events or competitions. Can you spontaneously go to appointments to present the sponsor? Of course it is no problem if you work, study or go to school. As long as you share your daily routine with the sponsor, he can rely on you and knows when you are ready.

  • How often do you practice your sport? For example, daily or several times a week? For the sponsor it is of course of interest whether you try to improve yourself daily or several times a week. You can also post pictures and videos of your training and build up a community in social media.
  • How often have you been injured? The risk of injury in action sports should of course not be underestimated. It is important for the sponsor that you are in good shape and prepared for the task. In dangerous conditions you should take risks, but you should also keep in mind that as a healthy athlete you are more valuable to the sponsor.

  • Do you already have sponsorships? Here the sponsors need to know if you already have a similar sponsor. There should be no overlap in the contractual conditions. In addition, the sponsors should match each other and of course to you.

Before you apply you should check if you have convincing film and picture material?
The next posts will talk about how to put convincing film material together.

