How to fill out your profile correctly

30. March 2020

How to fill out your profile correctly

To have a good start with become-a-pro, it is of course important that you fill out your profile. Because without information, videos and pictures of you, the sponsors cannot judge whether you fit their brand.

Here is a video that shows you how to fill out your profile and where you should pay attention:


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And in the following you will also find a written summary.

If you have any questions please contact

We wish you a lot of success and many sponsorships of course.

kind of sports

The selection of the sport:

Here you can choose which sport/s you practice.

Remember that you should upload information, pictures and videos for each sport you practice. 
Without the choice of the sport you will not be found. For example, if you are a snowboarder and didn’t specify your sport, a snowboard-sponsor won’t find you.

You can choose your sport in the “About” part of your profile. And don’t forget to save before you go on with the other steps.

Connecting to social networks

Social media has become much more important, therefore it is also important for sponsors to know how much reach you can generate to promote their products and brand.

For this purpose we have a social media analysis which classifies you into a ranking. The more points you have, the more valuable you are for their brand.

This makes it even more important that you connect to social media.

It works like this: Click on Edit Profile –  Click on Connect with social media – a new page will be opened where you can see “Social Connect” . Here you can choose every social network and connect with your login information of your specific social network.

In the two following pictures you can see the “Connect with social media” button and the connection page for all social networks.

If you have trouble connecting, contact us:

Overview social media
Choose about you want to write
Box with information

Information about yourself: 


In the boxes you can choose different categories. Here you should write as much as possible about yourself. 

About successful competitions, past successes, sponsorships, what you want from your sponsor and what you can offer him. 

The more information you give, the better the sponsor can evaluate you and see if you fit to the brand. 

It works like this: Click on Box 1 Title and choose a category. In Box 1 Text you have the possibility to write about the catgegory you have chosen. For further information about yourself, you can choose the other boxes which are following on the page. 


Meaningful pictures and videos:

Upload pictures of yourself that show you performing your sport and what you are qualified to do. 

The more material, the better the sponsor can get a impression of you. 

You can use the upload function to drag and drop pictures and videos, and to determine in which category they can be found. 

It works like this: Click on Gallery in your profile and choose the upload option. You have two possibilities between an upload of your local pictures and videos or a connection to youtube or vimeo.

picture upload

Finally, we have a checklist that you can check to see if your profile is perfectly filled in. 


Just check if your profile matches all points: 

• Authentic profile picture
• Detailed description about you
• Meaningful pictures and videos
• Information about your availability
• Information about competitions and previous sponsorships 
• Linked Social Media Profile

Now nothing hinders you from a successful sponsori ng, we wish you good luck and if you have any questions, please contact us!

Check directly whether you can cross off all items on the checklist and whether you have entered all important information.

