Alter: 20 Jahre
sphere: weltweit
Meine Sportarten: Alternative Sportart, Kajak, Motorrad, Ski touring
- Average:
the average of the value - e.g. likes/comments/views - within 30 days - Engagement Rate:
the ratio of likes, views, comments, etc. to followers
- Youtube
- Tiktok
Ich suche
Also open for any kind of cooperation related to fitness & bodybuilding (nutrition, healthcare, gymwear, …)
Meine Skills
Currently I’m spending my time mostly with my bike, in the gym, at my Poledance-studio or photo/videography in general.
Hope to find a way for a cooperation that’ll help both sides 🙂
(Tiktok: t_wiktorya ; Instagram: t.wiktorya)
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